The curriculum approach at Langdale CE Primary School begins with the National Curriculum and is built using our unique setting and the incorporation of Learning Beyond the Classroom. Throughout each pupil's time at Langdale, they will embark on a learning adventure unique to our school and setting. They develop skills and knowledge firmly rooted in outdoor proficiency, running parallel to the statutory curriculum and interwoven into everyday teaching.
We follow the National Curriculum for each subject and tailor the content to reflect the needs, interests and talents of our learners. As our classes are mixed ages, we operate a multi-year curriculum to ensure that content is not repeated yet revisited through consolidation and application of skills. Individual subject content is chosen to complement the other subjects, creating a coherent pathway through the curriculum. The formal curriculum is supported and enriched by our after-school clubs which provide an eclectic mix of experiences, knowledge and skills that we aspire for Langdale children to have gained by the time they move to the next stage of their education.
The Langdale curriculum meets our vision of 'Every child is valued. No one left behind' by providing fluid progression throughout each stage of a child's unique learning journey. Through purposefully mapped long-term plans, the children visit new learning with the advantage of having explored previous learning with familiar peers and professionals. This enables the next steps in a child's education to not just be known through assessment but to be understood from an individualistic, personal perspective.
With the understanding that effective teaching and learning takes place when delivered at the right time, in the right place by the right people, Langdale's unique teaching and learning ethos not only suggests but enthusiastically encourages the incorporation of experts. These ongoing working partnerships enable the embodiment of our curriculum into these sessions thus raising not only the children's love of learning but also their understanding of the National Curriculum.
Langdale School Skills Tree Passport
At Langdale, we teach on a revolving programme (Year A, B, C etc). This is to ensure children enjoy a range and breadth of learning across their mixed age classes. This year is Year B. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.