Home Learning Archive: 2019 - 2020
Each week, during the summer term, teachers will be putting up a new Learning Project for children to work on at home. Please scroll down the page to find the link for your class.
We have put lots of other ideas for your home learning on this page.
Please click on the links to find activities appropriate for the class, year group or subject area you need.
Please contact your teacher on admin@langdale.cumbria.sch.uk if you have any problems or need further guidance.
Youth Sport Trust - National School Sport Week 2020
Oak Class:
Oak Group Home Learning Projects
Beech Class:
Beech Group Home Learning Projects
Maple Class:
Maple Group Home Learning Projects
Foundation Subject Areas:
Daily lessons with BBC Bitesize BBC Bitesize are offering three new lessons every weekday, with videos, activities and more for children aged 3 - 11
Oak National Academy An online bank of quality-assured, curriculum-mapped videoed lessons and resources, to support remote teaching
Scratch Coding This will allow children to develop the coding skills we have learned in class. To save your work, parents will need to set up a free account.
Scratch Jr This free app teachers coding to 3-7 year olds.
Hour of Code Lots more coding fun. Teaching you everything you need to get started.
Keyboard Skills - BBC Dancemat Typing Use this time to learn a useful life skill - touch typing and have fun too!
French BBC bitesize bring you French with native speakers.
French This free website can teach you French with daily short lessons.
Religious Education
Religions of the World This BBC bitesize page allows you to explore some of the main religions of the world. How are they the same or different to Christianity?
Daily Act of Worship Ruth Evans from NISCU is offering a daily act of worship telling Bible stories while schools are closed. She is accompanied by her puppet friend Fajitas.
Physical Education
PE with Joe Wicks 30 minute PE lesson. Monday to Friday at 9am. No equipment needed - just lots of enthusiasm and energy.
BBC - Let's get active PE ideas for KS1 and KS2
GoNoodle Movement and mindfulness videos
Oti Mabuse's online dance classes for kids Oti's kids dance classes are being streamed to her Facebook, Instagram and YouTube accounts at 11:30am every day until at least 30th March. The classes are saved onto Oti’s YouTube page after the livestream has finished, so they can still be enjoyed even if you aren’t available at the exact start time.
Top Tips How to be a brilliant geographer!
Teaching History with 100 Objects One hundred objects from museums across the UK with resources, information and teaching ideas
BBC History History activities for children.
BBC 10 Pieces Lots of activities introducing children to classical music
Elevenses with The World of David Walliams Downlaod a free audio book daily
Maths with Carol Vorderman Free access to the maths website for the duration of the school closures
Science with Maddie Moate on YouTube Maddie & Greg chat about science and nature weekdays at 11am, plus lots of educational activities to try at home such as making a bee cafe.
STEM resources Lots of science, maths, computing and cross curricular ideas and activities to do at home