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At Langdale CE Primary School, our unique setting provides many opportunities for children to learn about their local area, have hands-on experiences of Physical Geography, as well as making comparisons with a diverse range of contrasting locations and people around the world. Our extensive school grounds help to enhance children’s opportunities to explore key aspects of Geography up close and in a hands-on manner. Further opportunities, such as workshops, visitors and through residential trips, allow pupils to experience different locations and draw comparisons with home. 

We believe that Geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. Pupils are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. Our Geography curriculum helps pupils to develop skills and knowledge, which can easily be transferred into other curriculum areas, as well as helping to promote their spiritual, cultural, social and moral development.

Respect for the local area and environment are a strong focus, which is further enhanced through our strong links with the local church. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and seek answers through an understanding of others lived experiences and a wider understanding of the world. Links with charities and a focus on global citizenship helps to deepen the pupil’s understanding and knowledge on how to look after the world that we live in.  

Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of geography
