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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Langdale CE Primary School we are committed to supporting, challenging and nurturing all children to enable them to achieve their full potential at school. This is done through quality first teaching in the classroom, by our teaching and support staff. 

In some cases it may be beneficial for our children to access further help and support. If there is a need for a child to have access to specific styles of learning and support, to remove a barrier to learning, this will be done through a graduated approach. This will be initiated by the class teacher, and supported by the SENDCo. We work closely with a range of professionals to make sure we fully cater for each individual. Some of the support that we receive comes from; Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language, Specialist Advisory Teachers (Autism, Deaf and Hearing impaired), Young Carers and Barnardo's.

We will always endeavour to work in close partnership with the child and parents/carers to ensure open communication and sharing of information.


The school’s SENDCo is Mrs L Turley. Please email 


Useful SEND links
