Reception – Home Learning
It will help to set up a space in your home to support your child with their learning and it is important that your child feels comfortable; working at a table or a desk with easy access to basic equipment may form part of a good routine. Aim to do a balance of different subjects across the week. Decide on how to structure your child’s day with clear start and finish times. It is also important that your child maintains a balance between working with an adult, being active, sitting at a computer and being creative or reading. Make sure your child gets some fresh air, build in normal breaks and don’t forget to arrange rewards for your child when they have worked hard.
Mrs Parkyn can be contacted via the admin email address She will be available to answer emails on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, however she will also be caring for her own family during that time so may not be able to reply straight away. In the first instance, this arrangement is in place until 27th March 2020.
Reading: Read, read, read. Read new books or their old favourites and get the children to join in with the rhymes and repeated phrases.
If you want a new book but can’t get to the library, Cumbria Library offer free ebooks and audio books through BorrowBox
There are also free ebooks at Reception level at
Phonics – Teach your Monster to read is a fun, free online game
(If you prefer, a mobile version is available for 99p)
We are about to launch a new phonics and reading program in school called Read Write Inc so if you would like to learn more about it visit
Writing: If your child is writing or drawing please encourage them to hold their pencil as shown below for best control:
In reception spelling isn’t expected to be perfect, just sound words out using the sounds they know. We are still learning to use finger spaces between word,s and capital letters and a full stop.
Handwriting: If you are helping your child to write please encourage them to start their letters in the right place as it is much easier to learn it right from the start. See the chart below for correct formation.
Handwriting Help

Our maths activities come from the White Rose Scheme of work Many of these activities can be adapted to do at home with what you have available. The most important thing is to talk about what they are doing and build their mathematical vocabulary.
For online fun Numberblocks on the cbeebies website
Sing lots of nursery rhymes with numbers in such as 10 little monkeys. For ideas see
Look out for numbers on walks or around the house. Look at clocks. Count things, add them together take some away. Share things our fairly. Play board games or make up your own.
Cookery is great for maths and science, so is a bubble bath.
Lego or other construction are good for developing maths skills and fine motor control.
Art: Drawing, get children to think carefully about the shapes and colours in what they are drawing. It doesn’t matter if they use pens, paint, crayons, chalk or pencils the most important thing is to keep trying.
PE: If you can get outside then games like what time is it Mr Wolf, throwing and catching different size balls, bowling at skittles or bottles, balancing along a line or rope, hopscotch, skipping chasing bubbles.
If you are inside put on some music and dance or move along with Go Noodle
Life skills: Learn to do up a zip, tie a shoe lace, plait, tie a reef knot.
Plant some seeds and see how they grow.
Watch a plant changing as spring arrives you could take a photograph every day.
Cook any meals or snack you like.
Computing: Learn to use a mouse pad or mouse by playing some cbeebies games
Play dough is great for building finger strength. This is the recipe I use
- 2 cups plain flour (all purpose)
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (baby oil and coconut oil work too)
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- 1 to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)
- gel food colouring (optional)
- few drops glycerine (my secret ingredient for stretch and shine!)
- Method
- Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl
- Add food colouring TO the boiling water then into the dry ingredients
- Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky, combined dough
- Add the glycerine (optional)
- Allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it vigorously for a couple of minutes until all of the stickiness has gone. * This is the most important part of the process, so keep at it until it’s the perfect consistency!*
- If it remains a little sticky then add a touch more flour until just right
Remember for reception age children their work is play. The majority of their day should be spent in activities that they choose to do and you playing along with them will make the learning even better.