Home learning during school closure
Follow the link below to access weekly Home Learning Projects during school closure. Remember to ask an adult to send in your completed work to .
For the duration of the summer term, each week a new video will uploaded with a task for children to complete. Click on the video below to watch!
Follow the links below to find lots of different online resources and activities for children to access from home. These activities have been arranged into curriculum areas, and it is really important that the children are accessing a variety of activities each day.
If you have any further questions or require any additional support, Miss Ashcroft can be contacted by emailing
March 2020
Beech Group look forward to their weekly music lessons with our wonderful music teacher Debbie. This half term we have been doing lots of singing practise as well as experimenting with some new instruments. It is great to see how enthusiastic the children are about music!
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day! To link to our topic 'What is diversity?' each class looked at a different text from around the world. Beech group chose a text based in Thailand and spent the day comparing and contrasting cultures. It was also great to see all of the children dressed up as characters from their favourite stories!
To fit in with our topic 'Is there life on Mars?' we looked at Peter Thorpe's art work and used this as inspiration to create our own 3D masterpieces. We looked at abstract art, using a mix of materials and contrasting colours for effect.
February 2020
The children in year 3 and 4 recieved a special invatation to attend YMCA Lakeside's Heritage event this year. All of the children had a brilliant day looking at the exhibition and we were even lucky enough to have a go on the king swing!
We had a wonderful time on our trip to The Buddhist Centre in Ulverston. We enjoyed some peaceful meditation sessions, learnt lots about Buddhism and even had time to create some pebble art on the nearby beach. What a lovely day out!
January 2020
Taking maths outside...
Beech group received a mysterious message this week from an alien who's spaceship had crashed! The children had been asked to work out lots of different measurements from a range of items for the alien to help him fix his spaceship and get back to his home planet. Although we didn't catch a sight of the alien at school, we found lots of clues to suggest that he had been nearby.....
This half term we are learning all about forces and magnets. The children had lots of fun carrying out different experiments!
December 2019
Year 2 and 3 have had a very exciting trip out to KITTCHEN Cafe in Hawkshead to listen to some wonderful Winter Folktales from Taffy Thomas. What a great morning!
November 2019
The children have been very busy creating Christingles and Christmas decorations ready for our Christmas festivities.
Year 2 and Year 3 were invited to a special Christmas Party held at Ambleside Parish Centre, gathering with lots of other members of the local community. The event was hosted by Argos and the children had a fantastic time playing games, dancing, winning lots of amazing prizes and, of course, meeting Father Christmas!
Year 4 children took a special trip out of school to go into Ambleside and watch Peter Rabbit on the big screen! They loved the film and produced some excellent film reviews afterwards!
To commemorate Remembrance Day, Beech Group have been helping to make poppies which we displayed up at our Local Holy Trinity Church to represent each of the men from Langdale that sacrificed their lives. Afterwards, the children did some informative writing all about Remembrance Day.
This half term we have been learning all about The Anglo-Saxons. The children have been working very hard to create their very own Anglo-Saxon village!
To celebrate 'Outdoor Classroom Day', Beech group used all natural resources from our school forest to create their very own woodland creature. The children then used these woodland creatures to write a short descriptive story. Great work Beech group!
The children loved learning all about Guy Fawkes on November 5th and we decided to have a mini-bonfire in our school forest, finished off with toasting marshmellows!
October 2019
The children have been busy learning all about the different bones in a human skeleton and each of their functions.
This half term we have been learning all about the human body. We have been looking at teeth and identifying their different functions. We also carried out an interesting experiment to help us learn all about how the digestive system works!
September 2019
This half term we have been doing lots of work around the book 'Escape From Pompeii'. We had great fun dressing up in togas and acting out as the main characters!
In numeracy we have been having lots of fun outside learning about Roman numerals!
We love outdoor learning!
Useful links
TopMarksLots of interactive games to help keep your skills fresh
Times Table RockstarsPractise your times tables using these fun games