Welcome to Maple Group's page
Home learning during school closure:
Below you will find links to websites that you might find useful whilst home learning. If you would like any more ideas, help or guidance please don't hesitate to get in touch. Mrs Turley can be reached by emailing: She will check her emails regularly and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please make sure your child is completing a range of different activities everyday. These are strange times and although we want to keep minds active and learning we also want families to be spending quality time together - being creative and having fun!
Bread (mould) experiment
General resources:
March 2020
Maple class were invited to look around the new outdoor provision at Dove Cottage (in Grasmere) on Monday 9th March. We really enjoyed our visit and hopefully will do some more work with the fabulous folk at Dove Cottage when we move on to our next topic after Easter.
World book day 2020
On Monday 2nd March, Year 6 were lucky enough to work with Nick Greenall (a fantastic film maker). Year 6 told him all about the brilliant outdoor curriculum that we have at our school and what they particularly enjoy. They also took him for a good explore of our school grounds. They will be working with Nick over the coming months to create film about life at Langdale.
This half term our challenge question is, ‘What is diversity?’
In English, we have been looking at the diverse nature of ecosystems by studying the text, ‘Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth’ by Rachel Ignotofsky.
We have been researching lots of information about rainforests and have created a class model of a non-chronological report. Our next job is produce our own reports on an ecosystem of our choice.
In Science, we have begun to look at classifications of animals within our school grounds and will compare this to a contrasting locality.
February 2020
Maple group had great fun participating in the Cumbria Music Hub big sing at the Brewery Arts Centre on Thursday 27th February. After weeks of practicing with Debbie, they were excited (and a little nervous) to get on stage and perform their ‘Paws and Claws’ songs for everyone to watch. Any worries were soon forgotten when they got on stage and everyone sang and acted with confidence. It was fantastic!
Maple had a brilliant time making and cooking pancakes in the forest on Shrove Tuesday. Lots of great maths skills doubling, halving and measuring quantities to create enough for 38 children ... and a few members of staff! 😋
On the 10th February, the whole school travelled to Ulverston to visit the Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre as part of their RE learning on Buddhism. After learning about some of the Buddhists, we took part in a relaxing meditation. We then took a walk through the stunning grounds and created some pebble art on the nearby beach. A fantastic day out which really made our learning come to life!
January 2020
We are currently studying the text 'The Jamie Drake Equation' by Christopher Edge. We are really enjoying the story and are eager to find out more about Commander Dan Drake's mission with the light probes. So far we have analysed the book cover by inferring meaning as well as making careful observations and predictions. We have also looked in more detail at the authors use of vocabulary and his carefully written sentence structures. We have just completed our informal emails from Jamie to his dad (we decided that letters just wouldn't reach the International Space Station!) to explain about meeting Professor Forster and to tell dad exactly what she has done!
We love our reading corner!
This week Maple class took to the outdoors to investigate angles. They were tasked with finding and identifying the different types of angles within objects around the school grounds. They then had to use their knowledge of right angles to create frames. Super work from all, the results can be seen on our Maths display in the classroom 📸🖼✏️

Our challenge question this half term is .... ‘Is there life on Mars?’
In our first geography lesson we have explored comparisons between the physical features of Earth and Mars. Did you know that Mars has the largest Volcano in the whole Solar System? The Olympus Mons reaches a staggering 16 miles above the Martian crust! Wow!!
Space station circuits - astronaut training!
December 2019
To end the Autumn term, the whole school took part in the nativity performance of 'Shine Star, Shine!'. Maple class took some of the lead roles and were brilliant in the acting and singing. The following day we had our annual Christmas lunch at the Langdale Estate. A lot of fun was had by all.
Maple class took part in the Indoor Athletics event held at the Lakes School on Wednesday 11th December. Everyone had fun competing in lots of different events; some which we had tried before, others that we had never done.
The whole school took part in a felting workshop with Julie Harrison, to help produce our new school banner. Year 5 and 6 were responsible for creating the foreground of the image. They took inspiration from the school surroundings and created an amazing picture out of the felt. This is now up in our entrance hall for everyone to see.
November 2019
This half term we are studying the book 'Number the Stars' by Lois Lowry.
We have been fascinated by the story so far and have produced some lovely pieces of written work. These can be seen on our English display in the classroom (or a sneak peak can be seen below . . .)
We continued our sporting week by welcoming Dave from 'Skip2bfit' on Wednesday. We always enjoy his visits into school and we laughed and joked our way through a very high impact skipping and boxing session. Dave comes with lots of stories, advice and inspiration to help us develop our growth mindsets. Both he and Leon spoke about the need to persevere and work hard to achieve your dreams and this is exactly what we will strive to do!
Leon Baptiste visit
On Monday 25th November we were fortunate to have Leon Baptiste, gold medal winner from the 2010 commonwealth games, in school to put us through our paces with a challenging circuit. We then spent some time with him playing memory and team work games before hearing all about his career. He was very inspiring!
Outdoor Classroom Day
On Thursday 7th November we took part in Outdoor Classroom Day. Maple class were tasked with the job to create a poe-tree, using our superb woodland as inspiration. Even though the weather was against us, we had a great time and created some fantastic poems (which can be seen on display in our classroom - come and have a look!)
Maple class had a super day out of school on Wednesday to participate in the INTO
film festival at Penrith. We watched a film called ‘2040’ which was made by an Australian man who wanted to explain to his 4 year old daughter what life could be like when she was 25 if people made changes to the way they live today. We came away very inspired about the things that we could do and we are excited to study this further as part of our topic after Christmas.
October 2019
We have come to the end of our unit of work based on ‘The Clocktower’. Our final task was to write a first person narrative of the film. We were asked to write descriptively, including examples of different clauses and modal verbs. They turned our brilliantly!
In our PE lessons this half term we have been focusing on netball. We have learnt about the different passes, positions and rules of High5 netball. We have enjoyed developing our game play and strategies.
In our English lessons, we have continued to study The Clocktower.
We have been creating back stories for the Perpetual Dancer using themes from fairytales.
September 2019
This half term in our Humanities sessions we will be looking at the challenge question ‘What qualities make a good leader?’
We will look at key leaders through time and develop our point of view on whether they showed good leadership qualities compared to others.
In our English lessons we have been studying the film The Clocktower. We began by completing a VIPERS reading comprehension which made us question what was going on and make predictions to back up our answers. We then created story maps to plot the sequence and order of the story.