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School Worship

Collective Worship

Collective worship is an essential part of life at Langdale. Children and staff are given time to reflect and think about our Christian values. Worship happens daily at 13:00-13:15. Worship is led daily by members of staff and we are lucky to be visited weekly by a member of the local clergy.

Each day, collective worship has a distinct identity, from a song and hymn worship on Thursdays to Courageous Advocacy celebrations on Fridays. The identify of each worship is further enhanced by careful consideration of where each collective worship takes place. For example, during Tuesday's Bible story worship, children are in a large, open reading corner surrounded by their artwork and achievements.


At least once a half term, worship takes place at Holy Trinity Church, Chapel Stile. This is often to mark important events in our Christian calendar and are a wonderful celebration of the half term with our entire school community.


Children take ownership of worship within the school by leading both the opening and closing prayer - with signing - as well as lighting our worship candle. The children support staff with worship throughout school and lead worship sessions regularly.

Special Events

As part of our worship and religious education at Langdale CE School, we are keen to note important events within the Christian calendar. Children lead services to celebrate Harvest, Lent, Easter and Christmas. We often visit our local churches to mark occasions such as Remembrance, Christingle and our Year 6 Leavers service. Our annual, whole-school Nativity is always eagerly anticipated by the entire school community and helps children to celebrate and understand the importance of the Christmas story.


Alongside Christian festivals, we also celebrate the festivals of other cultures and religions as we learn to be citizens in multi-cultural Britain. The children have enjoyed learning about festivals such as Diwali, Hanukkah and Chinese New Year.

Langdale CE Primary School's Remote Nativity
