Additional Information
Off Site Activities Travel & Personal Accident Insurance
Severe Weather Procedures
In the event that the school needs to close due to severe weather conditions the following procedures will come into operation:
- Mrs Underwood will liaise with Chair of Governors wherever possible and then contact staff, who will then ring, text or email parents: information will also be on the Westmorland and Furness County Council website.
- Unless you have been contacted assume the school is open.
- If you do come into school please make sure there is a member of staff on site before leaving your child.
- If school needs to close early then parents will be informed by phone, prioritising calls depending on difficulty of the journey home.
- Children who normally travel by minibus will be transported to the usual drop-off point. Please ensure that you are there to collect your child(ren).
- Please let us ring you, as we only have one telephone line. Please be aware that staff may need to use their personal mobiles to contact parents. In this case, they will withhold their number.
- If you choose to collect your child early please inform the school office. Staff will arrange to meet you at the school gate on your arrival.
- We will endeavour to keep the area in front of the gate clear and gritted.
We will do everything possible to keep the school open. Assume it is unless you hear otherwise. Once Westmorland and Furness council have been informed, announcements are usually made on BBC Radio Cumbria and Smooth Lake District.
Please can parents also ensure that their children have appropriate clothing for the weather. Many thanks.
Sun Protection Procedures
The sun’s rays are particularly strong over the summer and they can damage children’s skin. This may not seem like a problem right now, but it can lead to skin cancer in later life. Your child’s health and well-being are very important to us, which is why we have decided to:
- Provide shaded areas for outdoor learning activities.
- Use the back field at playtimes where more shade is available
- Encourage pupils to wear hats and t-shirts when outside. Please send your child to nursery wearing a comfortable wide brimmed hat or legionnaire style cap. We have bought some nursery hats to give to children who forget their own.
- Encourage pupils to use sunscreen in summer months. It is a good idea to provide additional protection by using sunscreen with a factor of at least SPF 15 (there are proprietary products on the market which only need to be applied once per day). Staff will be supervising children applying sunscreen and helping those that are not able to apply sunscreen by themselves. If you would like your child to be included please send a bottle of factor SPF15 sunscreen clearly labelled with your child’s name.
More details of these and other new sun protection plans can be found in our sun protection policy which I am attaching to this letter. I have also included a SunSmart information card which will explain how to keep your child safe from the sun at home.
Your support is very important if our new policies are going to work.
You can help by:
- Sending your child to school with a wide-brimmed hat and wearing the correct school uniform.
- Applying sunscreen before the start of the school day (there are proprietary products on the market which only need to be applied once per day) or sending extra sunscreen to school with your child.