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PE and Sport Premium

Every year at Langdale CE Primary School, children receive quality first teaching in Physical Education. It is delivered in a range of different ways, by qualified teachers and coaches using the fantastic facilities on offer to us in our school grounds and in the surrounding community. 

Every child who leaves our school at the end of Year 6 will have experienced a wealth of different sports and have acquired skills and knowledge to take forward with them into secondary school and life beyond.

Our school values of compassion, respect, perseverance, aspiration, trust and thankfulness align perfectly alongside the values of the School Games.

Throughout all of our PE lessons and during competitions and festivals which we participate in, we always talk to the children about the values we will see on show. Children develop a growing knowledge of these values, and their meanings, through participating in sports (individually and in teams).

Gold School Games Award 2023-24

We are delighted to announce that we, for the second year in a row, have achieved the School Games gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

Gold School Games Award 2022-23

In 2022-23, we have focused on developing intra-school competitions to ensure that all children in the school have access to festival type events, run and delivered in a fun and engaging matter. Events undertaken this year have included swimming, athletics, hockey and Cumberland wrestling. 

Young Leaders have supported the provision of 30 active minutes by running daily activities during break and lunchtimes. 

All children in Key Stage Two have experienced sporting opportunities away from the school, including sailing and paddleboarding, orienteering and hill walking. They have also taken part in events organised by the SGO and competed in inter-school competitions, such as golf and hockey.

In addition, children in KS1 and 2 who have been identified as needing access to additional opportunities, in receipt of Pupil Premium or outlined on the school's SEND register have been given further access to sporting events. This year these have included ten-pin bowling and cricket. 

In 2021-22, we spent our focus on re-introducing children to competitive face-to-face challenges with others. We began taking part in events across the county again including cross-country, key steps gymnastics and football. We were also able to have coaches visit the school and take trips to other schools for taster sessions. The children across both key stages enjoyed a visiting coach for athletics and ball games on our school grounds as well as a taster session in cricket away from the school.

In 2020-21, we had to adapt our PE and sport offering slightly to align with the Covid protocols at the time. We took part in as many virtual events as we could and competed against our cluster of schools in this way. Intra-school matches and events were also participated in to allow our pupils to experience competitive matches. We are hopeful that in the coming academic year we can get back to more face-to-face events as well as continuing with the virtual competitions. 

In 2019-20, we ensured that all children in Key Stage Two had access to a range of sporting events. These events were played at a variety of levels, from friendly festivals to competitive competitions. 

During the school closure (summer term) children were encouraged to stay active via social media. Links to Joe Wicks, BBC Bitesize, Oak Academy plus others were shared often as was the National Sports Week challenge.

In 2018-19 we made sure that all children within Key Stage 2 had access to a range of sporting inter-school festivals and competitions to participate in. All children took part in at least 5 events over the academic year. We also developed our provision within school so that all children experienced some form of intra-school events; such as house matches or class games within PE lessons.

Key Stage 1 also participated in friendly sporting festivals, such as cricket, as well as joining in with whole school taster sessions in Judo and Cumberland Wrestling.

Silver School Games award 2018-19 and 2019-20

Whole school water sport sessions September 2023

Sports Day 2023

Cumberland wrestling 2023

Inter-school tri-golf festival

Intra-school orienteering

Young Leaders break and lunchtime clubs

Cricket festival

Useful links

PE curriculum statement


Below you will find information based on our curriculum statement for PE, which focuses on intent, implementation and impact.

Sport premium


Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
