Class 1
Welcome to Class 1!
July 2019
As part of our science topic we have been examining lots of different fossils, including some from extinct animals and creatures! We also had a close look at a range of different rocks and minerals. Wow!
Another science lesson spent in our wonderful school forest! We have been identifying things that are either: living, have once lived or have never been alive. The children have shown great enthusiasm during this topic. Great work Class 1!
June 2019
Class 1 enjoying one of their fortnightly visits to Ambleside library. 

Whilst gardening in our school grounds we found lots of interesting minibeasts such as frogs, slow-worms, snails and more! The children were so excited and wanted to make minibeast houses in our school forest. We thought about what natural materials we should use and where to locate the houses to make the perfect habitat! After this the KS1 children wrote some super instructions about how they built their minibeast houses.
May 2019
In science this half term we have been learning all about floating and sinking. We chose five different items from around the classroom and made predictions about whether we thought they would float or sink. Then we put the materials to the test to see if our predictions were correct! The children found it really interesting comparing the results to our predictions. Great work Class 1!
Early Years have been doing lots of number work outside in the lovely sunshine! We have been practising counting, measuring, comparing, doubling and halving in our school forest!
April 2019
What better way to practice fractions than with using biscuits! Yum!
A mysterious treasure map appeared in our classroom this week and the children carefully followed the map through our school forest and found a hidden treasure chest! The children then spent the afternoon planning and designing their own maps based on our local area. What a busy day!
As part of our Easter celebrations this year, each class made an Easter garden in our outdoor area. Early Years worked very hard to make a wonderful Easter garden for Class 1!
What a fabulous day we have had at Brathay Trust! We spent the day canoeing, going on a nature hunt and then finished the day with a hot chocolate by Lake Windermere.
KS1 children happy with their special 'Certificates for Writing' from Mrs. Underwood for super writing! Great work!
March 2019
Early Years have been doing lots of baking this half term! They have made some delicious cakes that have been served with our school lunches and they also made some Irish soda bread as part of our St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Yum!
This half term Class 1 have been learning all about Spring. We have been busy planting and nurturing our own plants and learning all about how plants grow!
Class 1 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day! All of the children dressed up as their favourite character. We designed some book covers and wrote some super character descriptions. What a great day!
February 2019
This half term our topic has been Under The Sea. We went on a trip to The Lakes Aquarium, where we learnt all about lots of different sea creatures! We also learnt about some of the different animals that we might find in our local area, and we were taught some simple steps that we can take to help protect these animals! What a fabulous day out!
January 2019
Class 1 have been making the most of this exciting weather! We have had a wonderful time working as a team to build an igloo and some snowmen! We also went on an exploration walk around our forest area, using some amazing adjectives to describe the changes that the snow has brought. We then used these ideas as a basis for our writing, great work Class 1!
We also took our maths lesson outside and used the snow to help us with our additions!
December 2018
Class 1 enjoying some paired reading with the older children!
What a busy term! We have been practising for our school Christmas Nativity production. We have also been making our own Christingles for our church service, enjoying a lovely Christmas lunch and having fun at our Christmas party, where we had a very special visitor! Merry Christmas!
November 2018
Class 1 love learning outdoors. We are so lucky to have our very own school forest area!
This term Class 1 have had a wonderful time working with a group in Ambleside for some 'Inter-generational Dance' sessions. We have learnt some fabulous new dance routines and made some great friends!